Age: Too old to share ;)

Star sign: Cusp of Sagittarius/Capricorn

How long have you been teaching Yoga? For 11 years.

How did you first get into Yoga?  I think yoga got into me more than the other way around! I came to the teachings of yoga and the practice because I was experiencing severe bouts of depression and looking back, high functioning anxiety too – and had done so for most of my life but it felt like it had culminated and I couldn’t ignore it for longer. I was so tired of struggling (and the exhaustion that comes with masking it) that I was looking for anything that could support me. I found yoga (or it found me!) when I realised it was the one place where the world fell quiet. It continues to be the gift that just keeps on giving.

What's your favourite Yoga pose?  The one that supports me the most for what I genuinely need at the time – the one that teaches me, or shows me what I need to become aware of at that time – the one I feel safe to explore -  it really does change depending on my energies, what is happening in my life and the learning each pose may have for me. Sometimes it is childs pose, sometimes dancers pose, sometimes a pose I am still evolving a relationship with and sometimes a long long savasana with all the toppings (props).

What's your favourite thing about teaching at Scout Pilates? Community, always community. To be amidst a group of like minded kindred hearts who are curious and interested in their own wellbeing, accountability in the world and awareness of themselves is a blessing I will never take for granted and I feel this each time I share space at Scout. I learn as much as I teach. Where would we be without each other.

Enough Yoga chat, what in your life gives you the most energy? Being a mama to my fur kid, Paddington. She has given my life so much purpose, joy and love. Dogs, and animals generally have so much to share with us about the best we can possibly be.

Tell us your favorite place to eat in the inner west and what you order there? I am in love with Pistou, which is one of Scout’s (St.Peters) neighbours! I can never go past the scallops, the Kir Provençal and the Wild Mushroom pasta!

What advice would you give to your 15-year-old self? You’re going to be OK.

Last great book that you read? “When the Body says No” by Dr. Gabor Mate.

If you could travel ANYWHERE tomorrow, where would you go? Anywhere my puppa can be with me! And if she so happened to be able to be with me in the South of France, probably there.

What goal are you hoping to achieve by the end of the year? Oh gosh. You have caught me at a time when I just feel like I am not really achieving all that much this year. But there are always things to be grateful for and so often we all forget to see the things we have accomplished along the way to striving for the ‘things’. Maybe that is my achievement hope for 2023 – to see how far I have come whilst continuing the journey.

Scout Pilates