upcoming workshops & events


Location: Scout St Peters


Saturday 21st September 12.30pm - 1.30pm

Breathwork is the conscious manipulation of your breath to regulate your nervous system, allowing us to shift out of fight or flight and move into a healthy, parasympathetic nervous system response. It is a tool which allows you to connect with your body, subconscious and intuition.

This experience will support you to feel present, mindful and potentially release emotions from the body, allowing you to shift patterns and step forward in life.

Our Breathwork classes will include a variety of activating and downregulating breath techniques, combined with meditation to create a safe but transformative experience.

Due to the nature of the Breathwork techniques this class is not suitable if pregnant or if you have cardiac issues, epilepsy or hypertension.

Ticket: Book as a regular class

Location: Scout Marrickville

MAT TO REFORMER WORKSHOP - Saturday 31st August 2pm - 3.30pm with Mandi Jackson

Did you know that Mat Pilates is the foundation of the reformer Pilates practice?

In this 90-min workshop Mandi will introduce you to the foundational mat exercises and how to successfully transfer them to the reformer, diving deeper on the importance of alignment and precision and to allow you to improve and take your overall practice to the next level in any Pilates genre!

You will be exploring and refining exercises both on the mat and then on the reformer, widening your horizon and knowledge of this transformative practice.

Location: Scout St Peters

HOT STONE + YIN AND SOUND BATH THERAPY - Sunday 22nd September at 2pm (SOLD OUT) + Sunday 29th September at 7pm with Mandi Jackson

Join Mandi for a practice focused on relaxing and restoring the mind, body and spirit. Journey to inner peace with a Yin practice enhanced by the healing properties of hot-stone therapy, pressure point massage, and soothing crystal singing bowl healing. You'll leave this practice feeling restored for your work week ahead, and a beautiful night of sleep.

Benefits of Hot-Stone Yin and Sound Therapy:

  • Increased circulation Better sleep Helps relieve muscle tension and pain

  • Soothes anxiety and stress

  • Assists the body in the detoxification process by hydrating and flushing cells

    Wear warm, snuggly clothes and allow yourself to be nurtured in a calming environment where the practice will take you in a profound state of relaxation.

Location: Scout St Peters

YOGA + REFORMER FOUNDATIONS - Sunday 29th September at 12.30pm with Vee Wiesheu and David Helman

If you are brand new to Reformer Pilates or Yoga, or simply want to refine your alignment and understanding of these practices, then these 75min workshop-style classes are for you!

You will get to explore the foundations and core principles of Pilates & Yoga in a supportive environment where you can ask questions, so you can begin to move and play and attend all our regular classes on the schedule.

Ticket price: FREE for everyone. Bookings essential.

Location: Scout St Peters

THE NAP PORTAL - Collective Rest & Exhaustion Support - Saturday 26th October 1.30 - 3.30pm with Kate Robertson

We are tired. The systems we live within continue to ask us to do more, be more, go faster. We can find ourselves disconnected, overstimulated, overwhelmed, burnt out and craving replenishment.

This is a doorway to pause. Permission to do less.  

Time crafted specifically to:

☁️ connect and down-regulate/unwind through guided meditation

☁️ explore soma practices designed to encourage soothing & safety 

☁️ nourish through restorative shapes close to the earth

☁️ indulge in spacious time to dream, create, rest, invent, heal, imagine

Whether you’re seeking to support fatigue in the body, mind or emotional landscape, alleviate stress and tension, escape the to-do list for a moment, or simply just wish to try something new, this is designed to be an intentional, nurturing and gentle space for you to land. You deserve rest, even when the world says you should be doing other things all.the.time. You deserve this.

Please dress for comfort and warmth. No prior experience is required to participate in this offering.

Ticket price: $35 for members | $55 for non-members