There’s no denying that we have a true passion for ceramic art at Scout, so for this month’s community highlight we chatted with another ceramic artist that we absolutely love: Milly Dent! If you’ve visited our Marrickville studio, then you have come across Milly’s work as she is the artist behind the mural ceramic lamps showcased in our hallway. But her work doesn’t stop there… keep reading to discover more about her story & passion that became her job!

Hi Milly, can you share a little bit of your background and what brought you to your passion for ceramics?

I have aways been a creative person, and as soon as I found ceramics I had an innate desire to make and make. I enjoy the possibilities and limitations of working with clay and the idea of building something from essentially nothing. I studied a bachelor of design, with a brief stint in Montreal which is where I really fell in love with the material.


Can you tell us more about your job as a Ceramic Artist and Designer, and what your typical day looks like at your studio?

I live in Clovelly so generally, my day starts with a swim or a whale spot, then my puppy Wallace and I cruise into the Marrickville studio and begin making. We might make a list for the day and just get started - this includes casting, hand-building, glazing packing kilns, and fulfilling orders. There's a lot to do but we love it.


What do you most love about making ceramics?

Opening the glaze kiln and seeing the final fired ceramic pieces in their vitrified finish state.


Where do you mainly get your inspiration from?

The natural world, predominately the ocean and the intertidal zone where the ocean meets the shore.

What past pieces that you made are you most proud of and why?

Our recent lamps of the month! This pair of green mosaiced lamps with porcelain shades are my favourite functional lighting pieces to date.

What qualities are required to be a ceramic artist?

A willingness to roll with the kiln disasters and celebrate the successes. Also patience and a love of the material and process.


What best advice would you give to someone who wants to start getting into ceramics? 

Take as many classes as you can and take your time to develop your unique style and voice true to you.


What goal do you hope to achieve in 2023? Or do you have any exciting projects coming up?

I am launching my first new collection in 10 years (!!!!). I have made new work throughout the years but never an entirely new collection including platters, bowls, cups, jugs, wine coolers and lights.


When you’re not working, what are you up to / how do you like to spend your free time?

Swimming, snorkelling, and exploring with Wallace.


Finally, where can we find your work?

At or @millydent on Instagram!

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