Age: 30

Star sign: Scorpio

Tell us about your day job: I work behind Scout in May Lane at a hidden picture framer called Graphic Art Mount. We specialise in exhibition framing and mounting. If you are walking past drop in, I have a bowl of fantails at the front desk :)

Favourite thing to do when you’re not doing your day job? I bake crazy cakes and have just finished a book on DIY-all-things-cake, called Cakes By Hoogy Book.

How long have you been coming to Scout Pilates? For about 2 years!

What keeps you coming back? Every class makes me feel amazing and strong, I have never felt fitter in my life. I pretend that I am training to be a spy to get me through tough exercises, with the help of Elle's playlists, of course. The classes also fit perfectly into my lunch breaks.

Favourite class and why? Friday Barre classes with Ellen!

Favourite Pilates position?  Side Lying, abs & dancing! 

Enough Pilates chat, what in your life gives you the most energy? Cake, The Easter Show, sugar!

Tell us your favourite place to eat or drink in the Inner West and what you order when you’re there?  My boss is an amazing cook and feeds me lots of amazing Croatian food for lunch. Can't beat it. 

What advice would you give to your 15-year-old self? Keep your clothes, you're not going to grow much more!

What was the last text message you received? Dinner plans in French awaiting me to decipher.  

If you could travel ANYWHERE tomorrow where would you go?  I'm off to France in a few weeks to see some family.

What goal do you want to achieve by the end of the year? Sell some cake books and have fun!

Scout Pilates