Age : 31

Star sign: Aquarius

How long have you been teaching Pilates? 1 year as I’ve been a full-time school teacher previously.

How did you first get into Pilates?  When I went to my gym one day too fatigued to lift weights or shake my booty in Zumba I noticed people lying on reformer beds and thought “Wow you lie down and still exercise... sign me up for this class!” 

What's your favourite Pilates pose?  Surely not just mine but everyone’s... Childs pose. When I cue this pose I think I could walk out of the room make a cuppa tea, come back and everyone would still be in the same position. 

What's your favourite thing about teaching at Scout Pilates? The community. The people I work with and teach are warm, friendly, and I instantly get a bubbly buzz from teaching here. Everyone is polite despite what ever is going on in their lives. I always walk away from Scout with a smile and motivated myself. 

Enough Pilates chat, what in your life gives you the most energy? M&M’s. Not the chocolate, although they are one of my fave and do give you a burst of energy with a sugar hit, but for me it’s simply just MOVING and MATES.  Moving - be it running, cycling, or swimming in the dark, in the ocean, or park, it starts my day, it perks me up, and I never ever regret it. Particularly before teaching I need to move before I make others move, it only seems fair. Mates - family, friends, and training team mates. They are all so important in my life. We challenge, motivate, love and care for one another so that we are energised to create the best versions of ourselves. 

Tell us your favourite place to eat in the inner west and what you order there? A must-try is Two Chaps! The breaky and lunch menu is scrumptious. I’m not vegetarian but it’s amazing with everything locally and seasonally sourced and made from scratch. Yet to try the pasta weekend editions.. if you go let me know.

What advice would you give to your 15-year-old self? Oh dear, where to start? Don’t try and break out of boarding school, you only have three years left and then you can ride horses all over the world (or just Australia). 

Last great book that you read? Verity by Colleen Hoover and The sevens husbands of Evely Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid. I’ve just joined a Bookclub and can highly recommend both books for anyone like me that usually doesn’t read more than 1 book a year.

If you could travel ANYWHERE tomorrow, where would you go? Oooo anywhere! This is hard, but I was moving to Canada just before COVID so I’m going to have to stick with Canada. Mountains, hiking, biking, skiing, and maple pancakes :)

What goal are you hoping to achieve by the end of the year? To read 12 books for Bookclub (without spark notes) and to finish the Busselton Ironman under 10 hours.