Simple rituals to find your calm

In this article one of our yoga teachers, Camille, shares her tips to better embrace and navigate the qualities of the Autumn season from the lens of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Enjoy the short read!

From the perspective of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the Autumn season is usually a period of change and transition. When looking at the cycles of nature, we start to shift from the buoyancy and busyness of summer into a more calm, dark and introspective energy of winter. The leaves fall out of the trees, some animals prepare to go into hibernation in order to rejuvenate, and replenish their energy for when spring comes again.

And as humans, we are not separate from nature so we are naturally drawn to these same cycles and might observe some similar patterns in our lives when we pay attention. Autumn is then usually bringing some moments of transition and change. It is a time that invites us to let go of what no longer serves us, of all the things that might take our energy away (whether it is material things, people, jobs, daily habits…etc).

So from that perspective, it is an important time to have some positive daily rituals that help us to feel more grounded and to find our calm when we feel stressed or overwhelmed.

Here are just a couple of my favourite things to do to help me stay calm, focused and feel great even through moments of chaos:


Breath control

It may sound so simple and cheesy, but have you ever noticed how powerful is the breath though?! My yoga practice and regular time spent on my mat have helped me become so much more aware of my breathing patterns, and as a result, I notice straight away I start to feel stressed how my breath accelerates, and then the mind begins to spiral and it’s a vicious cycle. In these moments, I simply take three deep breaths (with very long exhales) and that makes a big difference in slowing my mind and shifting my perspective so I can calmly move on to my next task.


Eating and drinking warm & nourishing things

Autumn is the season to start eating more earthy / root vegetables, warm nourishing soups or sipping your favourite cup of tea! Personally, when I know I have a long day ahead of me, what takes me out of bed and helps me feel grounded is knowing that I start my day with my favourite tea or coffee that I take the time to drink while not doing anything else (no multi-tasking just yet, it’s a precious gift!).


Daily movement

Whether it’s taking the time to walk your dog outside in the morning or during the lunch break, or creating the space to go to your favourite Pilates or yoga class. Daily movement for me has been an absolute game-changer in keeping my energy levels high and I even noticed that I get way less often sick (touching wood for this one). And on days when you feel like you need something more restorative, treat yourself to a Reformer Stretch, Yin, or Restorative yoga class! If you are not already in the routine of daily movement, why not try it out by joining our upcoming Winter June challenge and try to complete 30 classes in 30 days?!


Listening to music

Another absolute game changer for the mind and to reduce stress. Whether you pick a very calm and grounding yoga playlist as a background noise while working, or an upbeat playlist for a 5min solo boogie or sing along at home – guaranteed to lift your mood and reduce stress!