Why we love Mat Pilates

"The Pilates Method teaches you to be in control of your body and not at its mercy." Joseph Pilates


Mat Pilates is a form of exercise that was developed by Joseph Pilates in the early 20th century as a low-impact workout that emphasizes on controlled movements performed on a mat. At the time, Joseph called it Contrology and developed it for the purpose of rehabilitation (soldiers, dancers).

It's based on 34 original exercises that target your core and posture. Plus, it's a workout that's gentle on your joints but tough on your muscles. Mat Pilates will help you increase your core strength, flexibility, and range of motion, making it easier to move through your day with ease. And if you're looking to improve your athletic performance, Mat Pilates can help with that too!

But, wait! There's more. Mat Pilates isn't just a physical workout. It's also great for your mental health. By focusing on controlled movements, breathing, and mental focus, you'll reduce stress and tension, and improve your overall sense of well-being.


At Scout, our Mat Pilates classes are known under the name of “Mat Contour + Condition”. This past month, we just introduced a brand new mat class “Mat Express” which is the perfect Mat Pilates class for those who are short on time but still want that endorphin boost! You can expect to get all the benefits of a full body Mat Pilates workout condensed in a 30min pocket-size.

Our lovely instructor Jane who is teaching this class shared her thoughts and insights on the practice with us, so you know what to expect and get to know her a little better!

What can we expect from your Express classes?
You can expect lots of bursts of fun, spice and juicyness in my express class ! We focus on keeping you working for the full 30 mins challenging the entire body!

What excites you most about this new class style?
I love to use props on the Mat and we do lots of that in this class! It’s also going to allow clients to get their lunchtime workout in and eat their lunch.

Why do you love Mat Pilates?
I initially fell in love with Pilates on the mat - there is something about using body weight in all different directions that I enjoy. Mat pilates can be strong, chilled, hard or slow and all aspects of it are enjoyable !

Favorite Mat Exercise?
My Favourite Mat exercise is probably a plank because there are so many different variations and it works the entire body.

What exercise challenges you personally the most?
Any type of side plank but specifically the “star”. I find super challenging for core and shoulder stability as well as it’s such a balance challenge for the entire body!

Why do you think everyone should do Mat pilates?
Mat pilates teaches you about your body, that is why everyone should do it! It teaches you what might feel tight or strong where your weaknesses are and where your strengths are. It also teaches people coordination, body awareness and proprioception. It’s also just fucking awesome.

PilatesScout Pilates