Meet Edwina! She has been coming to Scout for over a year now and is addicted to Reformer for its low impact on the body. When she's not doing Pilates, you're likely to find her with her little chihuahua Gigi.


Age: 27

Star sign: Cancer

Tell us about your day job? I’m an Account executive - I am in sales for a software company (Aircall) so I focus on solely getting new business.

Favourite thing to do when you’re not doing your day job? Reformer pilates or playing with my blue chihuahua Gigi

How long have you been coming to Scout Pilates? I feel like over a year now!

What keeps you coming back? I love the studio and classes - I find all the teachers to have a great vibe and make the classes fun plus I get great results :-)

Favourite class and why? Reformer pilates - obsessed with the low impact on the body so I can go practically everyday haha

Favourite pilates position? I love double leg work with straps!

Enough Pilates chat, what in your life gives you the most energy? Life itself - with everything happening in the world being able to wake up with food, shelter and family is what makes me grateful and gives me energy.

Tell us your favourite place to eat or drink in the Inner West and what you order when you’re there: Omg Christina’s cake shop!! It just opened in Newtown if you haven’t tried it PLEASE GO. She makes the best honey cakes

What advice would you give to your 15-year-old self? Always believe in yourself and trust your gut instinct.

What was the last text message you received? this emoji [heart] lol

What goal do you want to achieve by the end of the year? Physically - to be in a great shape for my wedding in 2023! :-)

Scout Pilates