In this second edition of our instructor series, meet Bree! If you haven't been to one of her Barre or Yoga classes yet (you should!), chances are that you have at least met her smiling face at the desk!


Age: 28

Star sign: Sagittarius

How long have you been teaching yoga? Almost two years.

How did you first get into yoga? It was added as a wellness extra when I was in corporate and my mum used to always rave about it, so I gave it a go and fell in love.

What's your favourite pose? Skandasana for sure - who doesn't love a good hip opener and inner thigh stretch!

What's your favourite thing about working and teaching at Scout? The people. Every teacher and client that comes into the studio is up for a chat and has a huge smile on their face, it's so warm and inviting to be around! Also the smell... how good are those Hunter candles?!

Enough Yoga chat, what in your life gives you the most energy? My lab x cattle dog - Bear. He is my absolute best friend and I am so grateful that he is an adventure dog because we spend our weekends together exploring and it's honestly my absolute favorite thing in the world to do.

What advice would you give to your 15-year-old self? Stop worrying about what others think of you. It's super important to just run your own race in life, and be the person YOU want to be, not anyone else.

Last great book that you read? Think Like a Monk - by Jay Shetty. If you're feeling a little stuck in life at the moment, give this one a go. It really helps you to reframe your mindset.

If you could travel ANYWHERE tomorrow, where would you go? Oh that is so hard! For an adventure holiday, definitely the Galapagos Islands - It's been on my list forever. But tomorrow I just want to go back home and visit my family in NZ. I think we all need a little family love after the last two years.

What goal do you want to achieve by the end of the year? My biggest goal this year is to find balance honestly. I'm in a bit of a hustle mode at the moment - which don't get me wrong I LOVE, however by the end of the year, I really hope to get to a point where work/life balance is a little more even so I can keep enjoying all the fun things too!

Scout Pilates