Age: 24

Star sign: Libra

How long have you been teaching Yoga? 1.5 years

How did you first get into Yoga? I saw a doctor for my scoliosis when I was 11 years old, and he recommended I try yoga. I liked it and have been doing it ever since. However, it wasn’t until 2019 that I developed a daily practice and really fell in love with it.

What's your favourite Yoga pose? It changes every couple of months, but at the moment it’s standing compass pose. Such a beautiful hip-opener and balancing posture.

What's your favourite thing about teaching at Scout Pilates? Definitely the students. Shout-out to my regulars!

Enough yoga chat, what in your life gives you the most energy? Can I say yoga? Both studying and practicing it is the most rewarding experience for me. But also I love spending time in nature, cooking and lately I’ve been loving pole dancing.

Tell us your favourite place to eat in the inner west and what you order there? There are two that I’ve been liking lately:

1) Comeco foods - you must try the Raspberry custard donut with an iced Hojicha Latte! and

2) Ojas Ayurvedic - love the Hanuman bowl and chai.

What advice would you give to your 15-year-old self? Love yourself.

Last great book that you read? The Hidden Girl and Other Stories by Ken Liu!! Amazing short story collection that will make you question the reality and the future.

If you could travel ANYWHERE tomorrow, where would you go? Kazakhstan, I would love to visit my family!

What goal do you want to achieve by the end of the year? I would like to work on my YouTube channel ‘Flow with Diana’, dedicate some time to make it flourish and start posting classes regularly.