Age: 50

Star sign: Leo

Tell us about your day job: I work in mental health but in the next couple of weeks I will be back to making stuff with a props/furniture maker.

Favourite thing to do when you’re not doing your day job? Making stuff, especially with clay! Hanging out with friends, family and my cat (who happens to be called Scout!), ocean swimming, dabbling with music.

How long have you been coming to Scout Pilates? I used to live on Goodsell Street and came sporadically but since moving away and doing the February challenge I’ve become a regular.

Favourite class and why? That’s too hard! All the instructors are well skilled. Having said that, I do love a good soundtrack and a hint of intrigue.

Favourite pilates position? Probably planks because it feels like every muscle is working, they make me feel strong.

Enough Pilates chat, what in your life gives you the most energy? Ocean swimming, friends and family, being at home surrounded by native plants and animals, generating new ceramic ideas. 

Tell us your favourite place to eat or drink in the Inner West and what you order when you’re there? Campos for my ¾ flatwhite - obsessed. At the moment I love making dinner for friends and fam…. Usually we have a fire in the garden or make some music afterwards.

What advice would you give to your 15-year-old self? Be KIND to yourself, treat yourself as you would your 3-year-old self (it really works!). Learn who you are and get to know what you value the most.

What was the last text message you received? My boyfriend sent me  “Bit of action on the roof” plus a photo of some local cockatoos peering over the edge of the roof.

If you could travel ANYWHERE tomorrow where would you go? Japan!

What goal do you want to achieve by the end of the year? Create a beautiful yet sustainable/functional stall for the Sydney Ceramic Market coming up in early November.

Profile SeriesScout Pilates