Age: 37

Star sign: Scorpio

Tell us about your day job! I look after editorial news & entertainment coverage for Getty Images in Australia & NZ. Basically, I arrange for photographers to take pictures of things happening (floods, bushfires, red carpets, fashion week) that then end up in the paper/online.

Favourite thing to do when you’re not doing your day job? Going to the beach, bingeing back-to-back episodes of Ru Paul's Drag Race, or hosting a dinner party.

How long have you been coming to Scout Pilates? Almost two years (I think). Joining Scout was a post (first) lockdown promise I made to myself.

What keeps you coming back? The constant challenge, the lovely vibe of the studio, and the way my body feels when I practice regularly.

Favourite class and why? I love Sunday afternoon Slow Vinyasa, it's such a lovely way to finish the week and prepare for the next.

Favourite pilates position? Mermaid.

Enough Pilates chat, what in your life gives you the most energy? Being around good people, or being near the ocean.

Tell us your favourite place to eat or drink in the Inner West and what you order when you’re there: I have a lot of favourite places to eat and drink in the neighbourhood! Rolling Penny for coffee and their mushroom toast. Either Or for coffee and a bacon & egg panini. Soulmate coffee does a spectacular avo toast. I also love Hartyard for a fancy dinner with friendly service or Colombo Social for amazing Sri Lankan food that also supports people seeking asylum by providing meals and training opportunities.

What advice would you give to your 15-year-old self? Hipster jeans are some cruel fashion joke. You don't need to wear them.

What was the last text message you received? A picture from one of my photographers showing me his new custom hat that he is wearing to the races.

What goal do you want to achieve by the end of the year? 200 Pilates classes!

Profile SeriesScout Pilates